Trust Center

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Welcome to OMIQ's Trust Center. Our commitment to data privacy and security is embedded in every part of our business. Use this Trust Center to learn about our security posture and request access to our security documentation.


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We are working on our security compliance. We can provide completed questionnaires upon request.

Knowledge Base (FAQ)
    Does OMIQ natively perform the following, or can it be configured to do so? •Lock after X failed login attempts: •Disable a user’s account for at least X minutes •Lock a user’s account for at least X minutes?
    Does OMIQ require users to reset their password upon initial login?
    Does OMIQ support custom configuration of password expiration parameters (after X days)?
    Does OMIQ be configured to support specific password complexity standards? • Passwords must have a minimum of X characters and contain X of the 4 criteria below: • At least 1 uppercase letter • At least 1 lowercase letter • At least 1 number • At least 1 symbol or special character (e.g., @, #, &, etc.)
    Does OMIQ mask passwords during entry, rendering contents in the password field unreadable?
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Trust Center Updates

Dotmatics Not Affected By MoveIT Vulnerabilities

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There have been many first hand and media reports regarding a high risk, high impact vulnerability in MOVEit file transfer software leading to compromise and ransomware attacks across multiple industries. A recent update from CISA can be found here:

Dotmatics has done a review of implemented software across the organisation and can confirm that we do not run this software, and are not impacted by this vulnerability.

Published at N/A

Welcome to the Dotmatics Trust Center

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Welcome to Dotmatics' Trust Center. We are pleased to announce the launch of our customer-facing, self-service home for documents and answers on security, privacy, and compliance matters. We will also use this Trust Center as a place to provide confirmed information to customers when it's critical that you know the origin is authentic.

Published at N/A*

If you need help using this Trust Center, please contact us.

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If you think you may have discovered a vulnerability, please send us a note.

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